Cloud Computing is shared IT resources, designed to save you money, resources, IT Support, hardware & at the same time securely backs up your company’s vital information off-site.
For example, most businesses would have a server on location managing staff emails, calenders etc, with Cloud all you need is an internet connection and a browser which can perform the same tasks but without the expensive server and IT Support that comes with.
BMC Solutions provides complete IT Support Solutions for Perth businesses through the use of Cloud technology, save money by switching your business’ entire IT infrastructure to Cloud IT Support and enjoy friendly and prompt support whenever you need it.
At BMC Solutions, our Cloud Services include: Hosted Exchange Mail, Hosted Applications, Hosted Microsoft Sharepoint, Off-Site Backup and Cloud IT Support. Each of these services is Simple, Scalable and Secure – enjoy the cost saving benefits with NO expensive hardware upgrades.
With our Cloud Application solutions we’re able to push software such as Microsoft Windows & Microsoft Office for example directly to your internet browser, this means you’re not required to acually buy the software and can open microsoft word documents on your ipad, computer or mobile phone securely. We handle the license fees and even if your computer is old and slow, cloud software is fast and looks identical to that of traditional software that needs to be installed on your computer.
Our Cloud Email solution is perfect for transforming your business, manage all your emails, staff appointments, calendar entries, business documents anywhere in the world wether you log into outlook on your local computer or log in via secure connection to BMC Cloud you will see Microsoft Outlook and all your calendar entries in your browser, share your calendar with selected colleagues and streamline the way your business operates to be more efficient. Never lose your email again, if your virus gets malware or attacked with a virus, your email is untouched as its on a secure server in the cloud.
These days companies rely on Microsoft Sharepoint for their day to day tasks, intranet and dayd to day running of the business. BMC Cloud provides tailored solutions to meet your business and ensure you continue to run smoothly using the same operation with less resources, migrate your infrastructure today and save valuable resources, time and money.
Ever lost vital data such as emails, documents, pictures and information you take for granted until such time somehting out of the ordinary happens and you’re completely unprepared and lose all your work. Take the next step, ask us today how we can help backup specific data on our secure servers. You pick the time and frequency to backup your data, you pick what you want to have backed up via our cloud software and we handle the rest.